Gardens of the diplomatic representation of the European Union in Tokyo


Gardens of the diplomatic representation of the European Union in Tokyo

Rainwater management and purification, vegetated spiral (shale on edge), terraces planted with native plants, extensive sculptural green walls, HQE CASBEE certification.
Taïsei Consortium agents.

Tokyo, Japan

MOA : French State (MAE)
SURFACE : 8 000 m2
BUDGET : 2,000,000€
CALENDAR : Delivered 2009, project follow-up and bryophyte implantations 2018
PARTNERS: ADPi Architects,Ask,
SEMERVIRENS TEAM : Project Director: Frédéric-Charles AILLET Team:Raphaël Favory and Pierre Sarrien (Co-authors), Mihahela Stanescu, Florian Vadjoux, Sylvain Combaluzier.

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